Saturday, May 30, 2020

Dark and Deep

Mount Takau - Inariyama Trail This one has one tragic memory - not of the place but the sequence of events under which which I did this trail. It was Mar2019 when I had opportunity to be in Tokyo, Japan for work. One friday I was talking to Vivek my colleague about work and at end of the call, he jokingly asked me "Which hill are you hiking this weekend?". I am notorous for my passion for hills. I was alone and no company to guide me around Tokyo, hence I was hesitant to move out of city. But then the remark gave me some courage to brave sunday drizzle and take a trip to Mount Takau. I picked the Inariyama trail to climb and was happy for taking the trip. Just an hour ride out of Tokyo I was in midst of forest and enjoyed the solitude, peace and culture of Japan. Unfortunately on same weekend we lost Vivek and I missed thanking him for poking me to take this trip
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