Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Half Dome Experience

Half Dome, Yosemite: After a long time I felt I could just keep walking ! The 8.2mi hike to top was very scenic and even in the heat of July I felt I just can walk a lot. Nearly a break of one year since I did a strenuous hike. As I viewed from top, the scene was blurred by the forest fires by the forest management ... and I cursed them for spoiling my day!

This is what is referred as Diving Board of Half Dome. Photo courtesy: Fahad

Will post more shots from this trip soon ...


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Unknown said...

damn those fire department!! as soon as i was entering national park, saw the smokes, and it actually blocked whole view of valley from glacier point :(( I wonder why they chose long weekend for doing this :(

Awesome photo, and good job.. 11.5hrs is good.

ಕಿರಣ್ said...

Congratulations DG, welcome the club of 'Trans canyon half domer's' :-)
Last year too the day we climbed half dome, there was a forest fire, we just got out of the park in time...

somitra said...

I want to come ot US :( This is Amazing. Standing there must be exhilirating

dmg5um said...

Thanks All!
TransCanyon-HalfDomers :) - nice idea.

Unknown said...

Awesome! The picture of you standing on top of the Diving Board is terrific. Just imagining what the view would have looked like if those forest fires were not there......

Harish said...

amazing .... it would have been awesome view from there...
wish we could have wings to fly :)


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