Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Never Know

This picture has a little secret :) (and no I am not talking of any picture morphing). So do so many things in life, they are not what they appear to be ... The picture is was taken at Heather Meadows near Mt. Baker in WA, USA

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Anonymous said...

is that really the lake or the mirror effect used for reflection. whatever be the case it looks great.

Thanks for the comments , I normally try to put vignetting using lightroom, also as always there is post processing invovled.

dmg5um said...

Thanks! There is no morphing ... its normal picture but ... :-)

Sachin Bery said...

is the pic an inverted post?? the sky is actually a reflection in lake!!!

dmg5um said...

You are right Sachin! I tried to save this picture with manipulations, but was not satisfied. Rotating the pic 180 degrees gave me an easy solution.