Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pillars of the Past

Golconda Fort: Though the place was crowded on a weekend, I managed to get this secluded shot of one of the stone passages in the vast fort. The stone walls have a way of telling their own story. The light and sound show in the evening is definitely recommended for anyone visiting the fort.

Adding the color version:


Soumitro said...

if i were you, I would have used a tighter aperture ot maybe darkened it a little more during post processing, say using picasa. and a little crop on the left.

its a beautiful shot. the details in the ceilings are wonderful.

dmg5um said...

I will try a crop to get a portrait and post ...

Photographer Pappu!!! said...

Nice one!!!.. How come no one was there ?? did you shout BOMB BOMB ?? :)

dmg5um said...

he he ... no BOMB. Probably 2 reasons -
1. We had been thr a bit late and this place is near the entrance. Most people were interested in reaching in interior at that time
2. Not many people would be interested in this section ... just walls :)